Services for Grantseekers

Two people collaborating on the computers


From pre-proposal through post-award, did you know there are lots of ways that Cook Library can support you throughout the grants process?  This menu details the services we provide and how you can include these services in your proposal, including estimated costs for those services.

The estimates included below may vary based on the scope of your grant. For the most accurate estimates, we recommend that you include librarians early in the planning process. We suggest reaching out to the appropriate contact listed below and to OSPR to discuss the following:

  • Scope of the project
  • Timeline for completion
  • Resources (including databases and other research tools) needed
  • How to include the resources and compensation for the work in the grant budget

Please contact Librarian Joyce Garczynski at with questions about this menu.


Research Support

Librarians are experts at finding and evaluating data, information, and research. This expertise can support grant-seekers in both the pre-award and post-award phases.

    Services include:
    • Research Assistance
    • Evidence Synthesis/Meta Analysis
Research Assistance

Research Data Management

Cook Library offers a variety of research data services across the data lifecycle. This expertise can support grant-seekers throughout the grants process.

    Services include:
    • Data Management Plan Support
    • Data Access and Preservation
Research Data Management

Publication & Dissemination of Grant Products

How are you planning to share the articles, presentations, and other outputs that result from your grant? Cook Library can help you identify publishing channels that meet funder requirements and have a broad reach.

    Services include:
    • Open Access Publication
    • Creating an Open Access Journal
Publication & Dissemination of Grant Products

Exhibits & Events

From book talks to exhibitions to performances, Cook Library hosts dozens of events per year focused on academic success, community wellness, as well as diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice. The library’s communication and outreach staff can partner with grantseekers to help them develop and disseminate the products of their grant funded projects to the Towson University community and beyond.

    Services include:
    • Events & Programs
    • Physical Display
    • Digital Exhibits
Exhibits & Events